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Preaching on 2 John
An overview of the historical background and theology of 2 John to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Inspired and Inspiring
You can't take either for granted
Preaching on 1 Thessalonians
An overview of the historical background and theology of 1 Thessalonians to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Preaching on 3 John
An overview of the historical background and theology of 3 John to help you develop your sermon series and apply it to your hearers.
Persuading Like Luke
How we can use story and testimony in our preaching.
Creative Doorways into a Psalm and Sermon
It takes imagination, not just analysis, to recreate the impact of a Psalm.
No Notes, Lots of Notes, Brief Notes (pt. 2)
The pros and cons of extemporaneous and manuscript delivery
You Can Preach Apocalyptic Literature with a Sure Hand
Books like Daniel and Revelation, which you may now fear to teach, can become your favorite places to proclaim good news. Here are some key principles for tackling this difficult and powerful genre.
Pyrotechnic Preaching
A review of "Setting Words on Fire: Putting God at the Center of the Sermon" by Paul Scott Wilson
The Authentic Preacher: Jeffrey Arthurs
A Video Interview with Jeffrey Arthurs
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